1 in 5 chance of missing
Misses 3 times in a row
10/10 better RNG than FTL
1 in 5 chance of missing
Misses 3 times in a row
10/10 better RNG than FTL
It's all your fault! ;-)
This is a really solid puzzle/platform game. My only complaint would be how the controls handle when gravity is in any direction besides down. Having inverted left and right when upside down and such is annoying, but I'll probably get used to it soon enough.
The collision detection is very odd...
This seems like a very promising game. I wish there was an option to select all of your attacks for your characters instead of selecting one and watching play out to give it a more Final Fantasy-style and feel.
It's hard to do that here because the enemies can take turns in between your turns and if fast enough, units can make two attacks in a row (hard to see here unless you're underlevelled).
It's nice to see some accurate tags :3
Rated 3.5 as sometimes you have to spam-click and holding down the button doesn't make you repeatedly jump
Filler location
Joined on 2/19/15